
Why is Hydrogen Energy

Why is Hydrogen Energy Preferred


Hydrogen energy is favoured for its potential to tackle energy and environmental challenges

Decarbonising Tough Sectors

Decarbonising Tough Sectors

Ideal for hard-to-electrify
industries like heavy
manufacturing and
long-haul transport

Versatility and Storage

Versatility and Storage

Adaptable for fuel, electricity
via fuel cells, industrial use,
and energy storage

Long-Distance Transport

Long-Distance Transport

High energy density suits
far-reaching transportation
and remote energy needs

Air Pollution Reduction

Air Pollution Reduction

Fuel cells produce just
water and heat, curbing
harmful emissions

Grid Stabilising

Grid Stabilising

Balances intermittent
renewables, stabilising
the energy grid

Clean Source

Clean Source

When made from
renewables. hydrogen
emits no greenhouse
gases, aiding carbon

Energy Security

Energy Security

Domestically producible.
lowering reliance on
imported fossil fuels

Weather Conditions

Weather Conditions

Hydrogen fuel cells are known
for their reliability and can
operate in a wide range of
temperatures, from extremely
cold to hot conditions

At the forefront of the hydrogen energy revolution, Helixir Plus stands as a trailblazer in the realm of eco-friendly energy solutions. Our cutting-edge technologies pave the way for state-of-the-art hydrogen production methods, offering a reliable and environmentally conscious source of energy that significantly mitigates carbon footprints.

Hydrogen has become the buzzword in discussions about energy, and with good reason. It serves as a catalyst for accelerating the energy transition, propelling us towards a sustainable future.

Historically, hydrogen has been primarily utilized in the production of ammonia for the fertilizer industry and in refining petroleum products, including the desulfurization of fuels. Additionally, it finds applications in manufacturing electronic components and serves as a propellant for rockets.

At the forefront of the hydrogen energy revolution, Helixir Plus stands as a trailblazer in the realm of eco-friendly energy solutions. Our cutting-edge technologies pave the way for state-of-the-art hydrogen production methods, offering a reliable and environmentally conscious source of energy that significantly mitigates carbon footprints.

Hydrogen has become the buzzword in discussions about energy, and with good reason. It serves as a catalyst for accelerating the energy transition, propelling us towards a sustainable future.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)- Hydrogen Energy

1. What is hydrogen energy?

Hydrogen energy refers to the use of hydrogen as a clean and sustainable fuel source. It is harnessed through various methods, including electrolysis and reforming processes, to produce energy without emitting greenhouse gases.

2. How is hydrogen produced for energy purposes?

Hydrogen can be produced through different methods, such as electrolysis, where water is split into hydrogen and oxygen using an electric current, or by reforming natural gas. Additionally, hydrogen can be produced from renewable sources, like wind or solar power, ensuring a green and sustainable energy supply.

3. What are the main applications of hydrogen energy?

Hydrogen has diverse applications, including powering fuel cells for electric vehicles, generating electricity, and serving as an industrial feedstock. It can also be utilized in sectors such as transportation, manufacturing, and energy storage.

4. Is hydrogen a renewable energy source?

Hydrogen itself is not a primary energy source; it is an energy carrier. However, when produced using renewable resources such as wind, solar, or hydropower, it becomes a green and renewable energy carrier.

5. How does hydrogen compare to other energy sources like fossil fuels?

Hydrogen stands out as a cleaner alternative to traditional fossil fuels. When used in fuel cells, it produces electricity with water vapor as the only byproduct. Unlike fossil fuels, hydrogen combustion does not release carbon dioxide, contributing to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.